Thursday, May 21, 2020

America Must Be A Civil War Against Our Democratic Government

Yglesia is illustrating that America will crumble down at some point. With all the social, and political issues facing our society, I agree with his statement. I believe that there would be a civil war against our democratic government. The government members take advantage of their power in some situations. Some concepts should be altered.Most people are starting to notice the unfairness and somewhat â€Å"corrupt† actions government takes. The process as to vote for laws or presidents in this country and others are not the most thoughtful and reasonable procedures. For example, if deadlocks were removed from our democracy, it would be a better system. My two examples on this subject are the immigration law by Obama and the Honduran President Zelaya trying to alter the constitution. Gridlocks are illustrated in the article as a cause on why the democratic government is unfair. Gridlocks is a an argument or proposed law ending in no decision. Gridlocking happens constantly in our government. An example given was the immigration law, which was not passed. Obama wanted to grant illegal immigrants access to programs in which they can become legalized, if they had been in U.S over a period of time and have children that are citizen or permanent resident. This action was taken to minimize deportation of parents and families. This law was not passed. â€Å"President Obama blamed the 4-4 court deadlock on Congressional inaction.† The reason that people are deported is toShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Martin Luther King Jr s Letter From Birmingham Jail986 Words   |  4 PagesDaniela Reynoso October 26, 2014 Government I Iverson Fall 2014 Midterm Throughout history, there have been many significant documents and speeches that enlighten and inform us on what is and was happening during those times. 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