Friday, February 14, 2020

Are students benefitted or harmed by general education Essay

Are students benefitted or harmed by general education - Essay Example offer students with the needed credentials for their chosen careers, the learning institution still has other roles to play that are important in this globalization era. General education, first, helps the student to become a better person, parent, citizen, spouse, or employee than they would have been otherwise. This is because general education gives students extra information that would not have been included in their specific career courses. Thus, it makes student’s whole-rounded people. The country needs lawyers, scientists, business people, medical professionals, law enforcement professionals and educators and other professionals who have developed critical thinking skills and are conversant with some of the vital aspects of human thinking. The shift toward limited knowledge at the expense of general education does not consider professional critical thinking. Therefore, general education provides such professionals with critical thinking skills in a variety of fields (Go essl). Secondly, it is important for citizens in a democracy to participate and vote based on good judgment and not centered on the whims of the politicians who try to implement irrational and non-rational persuasions to control the voters. A strong basis in the humanities, arts and sciences as provided by the general education course can help address such issues (Goessl). Even though the student will not remember much in some coming years about a psychology, philosophy, or physics class, provided as general education, the critical thinking skills that they gain in these divergent fields will serve them well and stay with them throughout their life. These same gained skills can also help the student from being held at ransom by the elusive manipulation that some advertisers use. Therefore, it can be said that some of the courses students learn in general education, which on the outside may appear to be mundane and boring, underneath the surface are actually helpful in developing their

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Importance of the Culture in Global Industry Essay

The Importance of the Culture in Global Industry - Essay Example Culture has become a multi-billion dollar industry. Lampel, Lant and Shamsie (2000) concede to this reality in their article on the challenges which confront managers in cultural industries. Quoting Marshall McLuhan’s assertion that â€Å"†¦ we are swiftly moving at present from an era when business was our culture into an era when culture will be our business,† (p. 263), Lampel, Lant and Shamsie’s (2000) primary concern is the effective and efficient management of the cultural industries. Craves (2003) echoes this same concern and underscores the importance of art and culture as commercial commodities. Garnham (2005), despite an evident agreement with the previously mentioned authors’ main arguments, approaches the issue of commerce and culture from a different perspective. Rather than look at it from a managerial viewpoint, he critiques it from a policy perspective. In so doing, he questions the impact of cultural policies on the creative arts indus tries in the UK. His approach compliments and, to an extent, completes that of the other authors and, taken together, all three articles provide readers with a clear insight into the importance of arts as an industry, and the management challenges it poses. Caves (2003) proceeds from the premise that even though art can be appreciated for art’s sake, its valuation and monetary appreciation requires management. An art piece or an artistic production has its connoisseurs, regardless of whether or not marketing and management have entered into the equation. Its popularisation, however, is dependant upon management and marketing.